Cameron Catrett is originally from Luverne, AL, where her family raises Shorthorn cattle alongside a commercial herd. Over the last 18 years, she has competitively exhibited cattle and participated in a variety of livestock-based events on the local, state, and national level. She is a past State President of the Alabama FFA Association and the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association.
Cameron is a graduate of Oklahoma State University where she obtained dual B.S. degrees in Animal Science and Food Science. While at OSU, she was a member of the 2020 Reserve National Champion Meat Judging Team and the 2022 Meat Animal Evaluation Team. She credits her time spent in a judging van and meat cooler with developing her lifelong passion for the meat industry.
Cameron is a 2024 graduate of the University of Georgia with a M.S. in Animal and Dairy Science. While at UGA, Cameron explored the effects of a novel omega-3 enriched finishing diet on ground beef fresh quality and palatability attributes. Moreover, she aided in numerous Stelzleni lab projects involving cattle/beef, swine/pork, poultry, and further processed products.
Currently, Cameron is pursuing her PhD at the University of Arkansas in the Department of Animal Science under the direction of Dr. Derico Setyabrata. Following graduation, she plans to remain involved in meat science either through academia or industry.