We have separate laboratory space specially equipped to handle DNA and RNA extraction and protein analysis including protein degredationThe RNA/Protein lab is equipped with its own spec for quantification and quality analysis, 3 mini centrifuges, a hood, sink, pH meter, multiple gel boxes, and pipettes designated by procedureRNA/Protein LabIn an area separated from the RNA/Protein Lab we have a BioRad thermocycler for qt (rt) PCRThis lab is set aside for proximate analysis work, specifically for lipid isolation and quantificationProximate Analysis LabJasco Spec with automated software package. This spec is designed for single sample analysis, up to six samples, or auto. The software saves the program once it is saved for ease of use. The spec and software is also capable of measurements over timeInstron Universal Testing Machine with Bluehill software applications. We have heads for Warner-Bratzler shear, Lee-Kramer, Slice shear and bone density/breakageThe main wet lab has 3 aisles with 6 bench topsThe although we have the capabilities to do almost anything the main focus of this lab is tenderness, sensory, collagen, color, proximates, and fatty acid analysis.HPLC machine at the end of the benchThe main laboratory is also equipped with two hoodsWe also work in collaboration with other labs in ADSC and CAES on many projects and analysisGina working to get the GC software up and runningAs part of the wet lab we have a large cold room with bench space on 3 walls and a small vacuum packagerThe cold lab can be used for temperature sensitive sample prep or controlled temp analysisAttached to the cold room we have a walk in freezer for sample storage. The reefer units are currently undergoing maintenancePart of our program is quality assessment. To facilitate this we have a full sensory kitchen with in home and restaurant grade cooking equipmentThe kitchen is equipped with 8 “bread boxes” so that sensory samples can be passed to panelists. The airflow in this room is controlled to minimize influence on panelistsClam shell grillDual convection ovensGas Vulcan 4 burner with flat topElectric and gas in home model stove/ovensOn the other side of the kitchen wall is the sensory room which has 8 boothsThe sensory booths are partitioned to minimize panelists influence from one anotherThe lighting in this room is interchangeable depending on the sample. Here we have red lighting in for beef samplesThe same booth with yellow lighting