Jacob hails from Talking Rock, GA in the mountains northeast of Atlanta. Growing up Jacob was active in the livestock circles and participated in showing hogs and Angus cattle. After high school Jacob came to the department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at the University of Georgia. While at ADSC-UGA Jacob was very active serving as President of Block and Bridle and as a member of the Livestock Judging Team along with many other clubs and activities. Jacob was also awarded with the Robert Lowery Scholarship and Emory Lynn Scholarship. After earning his BS degree Jacob stayed at UGA to pursue a Masters degree in Beef Production and Meat Science with a focus on the long term supplementation of beef cattle with corn co-products from weaning through the meat product. Jacob had a major focus on how these co-products influenced live animal gains and composition and the meat quality and shelf-life of the resulting beef. Jacob also served as the President of the ADSC Graduate Student Association and was awarded the Georgia Feed and Grain Association Graduate Fellowship and the ADM Distillers Grain Scholarship. After completing his MS degree Jacob completed his PhD at the University of Illinois in Ruminant Nutrition. Jacob returned to Georgia and is currently teaching in North Central Georgia at a very successful agriculture program.